Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Graduate Program Scholarship Essay Contests in Neuroscience and Cognition Brazil

Scholarship Details:

The application process will occur in three phases: i) evaluation of curriculum vitae (CV), ii) interview and iii) general test and English proficiency. You do not need prior acceptance of a supervisor or to present a research project. However, we suggest that applicants come into contact with potential mentors to check on the availability of research projects in the intended areas.

General Exam Details:

The general exam is focused on abilities such as comprehension, logical reasoning and argumentation of the candidate. It is advantageous to have pPrior knowledge in more than one of the following areas: (1) neuroscience and biology, (2) cognitive sciences and (3) mathematics (such as calculus and probability) and biostatistics. The following list of references is suggestive in relation to these subjects:

Subject Details:

Neurosciences – Cognitive Neuroscience: the biology of the mind, Ivry, and Mangun Gazzaniga, W. W. Norton & Compan, 2nd edition, 2002.
Cognitive science – Cognitive Psychology by Wadsworth Publishing; 3 edition, 2002.
Calculus – the first 6 chapters of the book Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable, Howard Anton, Irl Bivens and Stephen Davis, 9th ed., 2009. Probability and Statistics – books on Biostatistics.

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline is 03/04/2011

Further Details:
For further information about this scholarship visit below link.


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